Off University Organisation
für den Frieden e.V.

is a charitable membership organization according to German Law, registered in 2017. Our annual assembly elects a board of three trustees to represent the association and to plan and oversee its work, and an ethics committee. We currently employ a small team of part-time staff and freelancers and engage lecturers/instructors on a freelance basis to deliver our teaching and research programme.

You can see our statutes here in German and Turkish.

Our Team.

Headshot of Ali Yalçın Göymen.

Ali Yalçın Göymen

Chair (Provisional)

Headshot of Oksana Zaphorozhets.

Oksana Zaphorozhets


Headshot of Julia Strutz.

Julia Strutz


Headshot of Olga S. Hünler.

Olga S. Hünler


Headshot of Nagehan Uskan.

Nagehan Uskan


Headshot of Tuba İnal Çekiç.

Tuba İnal Çekiç

Project Coordinator

Headshot of Bengi Aslan.

Bengi Aslan

Learning Designer
Project Coordinator

Headshot of Eren Paydaş.

Eren Paydaş

Project Coordinator

Headshot of Ruth Mulandi.

Ruth Mulandi


Headshot of Ezgi Keskinsoy.

Ezgi Keskinsoy

Graphic Designer


In our Code of Conduct, we define ethical rules that guide our fundraising policy, that define our partnerships and give guidance in case of conflict in the work place or in our teaching or research activities. The application of the Code of Conduct is overseen by an Ethics Board that is elected by the Annual Assembly on a yearly basis. 

You can read our Code of Conduct here in German, English and Turkish.